Who We Are

We are experienced educators dedicated to practical problem solving 

Tony Chiuppi 

Students that learn to problem solve while gaining skills will be leaders in whatever industry they choose. Through hands on project based learning, I believe students become more engaged and grasp the concepts of curriculum far more deeply. I also believe that when projects are driven by students they are more connected and passionate about the educational process. It has been my goal over the past sixteen years in education to help students realize their passions, while teaching them valuable skills that are useful in the labor force today. These skills range from 3D parametric design, use of a variety of machinery and tools, organization and the ability to create meaningful visual portfolio presentations.  I have a technology education and special education background, which has further allowed me to have particular insight into the wide variety of ways students learn.  My passion lies in helping students realize their potential and fostering the creative process.  

Brennan Natoli

I believe that learning is done by doing, making, building and creating.  I strive to create an atmosphere that promotes self advocacy and empowerment through hands on, project based learning.I feel extremely grateful that I have a job that allows me to mix my passions of design, art, and woodworking and share it with students. 

Hands on, project based learning is something that I truly believe in and witness the successes daily.  In my class my students visualize their successes and failures and become empowered through the process of creating something with their hands. Like most teachers the top motivator is my students. Seeing a student, especially a struggling learner, overcome a major obstacle or finish a difficult project is a very fulfilling experience. The ability to have a positive impact on a child’s life is a powerful feeling and is the number one motivator that gives me the drive to keep going each day.